ARO Course

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(+39) 329 4640045

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ARO course offers recreational divers the chance to experience an important piece of diving history!
The ARO apparatus, i.e. Oxygen Re-Breather, has in fact been made famous by the exploits of underwater commandos of the Italian Navy during the second world war and may be considered the first re-breather of history. The ARO was in fact conceived as a military requirement, to have an equipment which doesn’t show on the sea surface, because of the emission of the bubbles, the presence of a diver underwater, allowing besides a long permanence at shallow depths thanks to the complete recycling of oxygen breathed. Even today the ARO apparatus is part of the standard underwater equipment for special forces around the world, for the Navy Seals activities.
After the second world war, with the birth of recreational scuba diving activities, the educational use of ARO apparatus spread particularly at the first diving schools, introduced since the 1st level courses as a prerequisite to the use of ARA (i.e. scuba diving with cylinders). Generations of divers, until the early eighties, were trained on this apparatus! Today, with more training and awareness, we are ready again for using ARO, which is also a good introduction to the complex world of rebreather, increasingly used in the technical diving.

Why then the ARO course for the recreational diver?

Because it’s an equipment able to hone, in a diver who uses it for training, aquatic skills and higher self-control, as well as to give, to those who use it for diving into the sea within 10 m of depth, great satisfaction. Its small size, its silence, the absence of bubbles and the perfect set-up that it provides allow a discreet and respectful approach to marine life, without problems linked with the long duration of the dive.

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