Bruzzano Cape

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(+39) 0964411555

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It’s a typical reef consisting of low rocky outcrops, on a sandy bottom, off the today’s Cape Bruzzano, the ancient Cape Zephirium, which was the first landing point of the Greek colonists.

Among the rocky walls there are sedentary fishes and many invertebrates, although well hidden. The most common species is the grouper, thanks to whose this dive site has earned the definition of “reef of the groupers“. On the sandy bottom, characterized by a beautiful light color, there are areas with Posidonia oceanica, within the leaves of which a rich fauna is well hidden.



Place Cape Bruzzano, in ancient times called Cape Zefirio
Dive type By boat
Bottom type Little rocky reef on sandy bottom
Depth (min/max) 15/30 m
Currents Weak or absent
Dive Path In circle around the reef
Biodiversity Sedentary fishes and invertebrates. Small prairies of Posidonia oceanica
Peculiarities Good presence of little groupers

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