Città di Bergamo wreck

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Among the wrecks sunk in Calabria, there’s the Città di Bergamo shipwreck. It’s a merchant ship lying on the sandy bottom in the waters off the town of Brancaleone.
It’s divided into two parts and the hull is completely gutted because of the use of explosives to retrieve its cargo.
The wreck is populated by shoals of damselfishes (Chromis chromis) and cardinal fishes (Apogon imberbis), besides many striped red mullets (Mullus barbatus). There are chance to meet moray eels, groupers and other fishes in their dens. Among wreck’s sheets, there are also hermit crabs, spiral tube-worms, sponges and sea slugs.

Place Brancaleone (RC)
Dive Type Recreational Dive – Snorkeling – Free diving
Minimum depth 6 m
Maximum depth 18 m
Bottom Type Sandy seabed
Difficulty Low
Level required 1st level Open Water Diver or less (for children, for example)
Interest Biological and photographic interest
Notes Presence of fishes around and inside the wreck: little groupers, breams, snappers, moray eels. Presence of nudibranchs and sessile organisms too.
Shoals of damselfishes.

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