Pellaro Point

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On the extreme tip of the sandy shoreline of Pellaro is located, not far from the shore of the Strait of Messina, a large rocky plateau, with edge and walls falling on the sand, characterized by a nice clear color and a few meters deep (about 3-4 m). The outer wall, which descends with a landslide at a depth of 10-15 m, marks the beginning of a steep slope of sand and debris, with large isolated rocks, which reach up to 65 m deep, more and more rare as we go down.
A rich encrusting fauna and many fishes, pelagic and sedentary, inhabit the zone between 15 and 30 m depth. The fissures of the rock are shelters for beautiful morays and some large groupers; in the corridors of sand and debris you can meet some fine specimen of tube anemone, while on the rocky walls in the shadow there are abundant sponges and tunicates. Amongst the coelenterates, let’s remember one of the most beautiful Mediterranean “flower corals”: the beautiful Phyllangia mouchezii, a kind of coral little known and not very widespread, however frequent in some underwater sites of the Strait of Messina, with colonies characterized by colors changing from salmon pink to white.
However, the Pellaro’s reef is famous especially for the presence of pelagic fishes, so… let’s raise the look from the seabed and let’s look often upon us or offshore: during the ideal season, it’s not hard to find yourself surrounded by young amberjacks in shoals, by a multitude of salemas , shoals of skipjack or large tunas, that swim solitary and fast. Even the small and colorful sea slugs have their own space and among coelenterates there’s the Lophogorgia sarmentosa, slender and delicate, salmon-colored or yellowish.
At greater depths, some boulders offer us the magical vision of colonies of beautiful lobsters, now increasingly rare.

Place Pellaro Point
Dive type From the shore
Bottom type Reef with the summit near the shore, sloping towards offshore
Depth (min/max) 3/70 m m
Currents There may be strong currents; recommended the presence of expert guides.
Dive Path Loop trip around the reef.
Biodiversity RFairly good presence of sessile fauna and many sedentary and pelagic fishes.
Peculiarities Place of passage of large fishes. Visibility generally very good.



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