Promotions and Offers

Diving discounts in Calabria

Discover our offers

What do we offer you special? Complete packages of accommodation and shuttle service, traveling for diving at the southern tip of Italian peninsula – along the Ionian Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Strait of Messina – choosing from wrecks, reefs, cliffs, caves, moving with our minibus and changing always scenery!
What do we offers you special? Complete packages of accomodation and shuttle service, traveling for diving at the southern tip of Italian peninsula – along the Ionian Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Strait of Messina – choosing from wrecks, reefs, cliffs and caves, moving with our minibus and changing always scenery!

It’s a special holiday, which satisfy also the accompanying not-divers, who will come with us in the minibus and will visit the places where we’ll dive.
But there’s more! We will organize also some evenings “typical” with traditional Calabrian cuisine, visiting the medieval villages of the hinterland and living fully the magic atmosphere of a land rich in hospitality!