Underwater Archaeology

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(+39) 329 4640045

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During the Archeosub School Camp, participants will learn the main techniques used in underwater archaeology: research methods, site delimitation, graphic and photographic recording of finds, use of the water dredge, artifact recovery techniques, and the initial treatment of retrieved archaeological material.

Part of the activities takes place at sea, in a designated and safe area simulating an archaeological site, in Marina di Gioiosa Ionica. Another part, focused on working with archaeological material (cleaning, labeling, and preliminary restoration), is carried out at Museums and/or Archaeological Parks of Locride (depending on agreements made each year), under the direct guidance of archaeologists or restorers, alternating these activities with guided tours of major archaeological sites in the ancient Magna Graecia area.

Additionally, the program includes a visit to the Archaeological Museum of Monasterace Marina and a guided dive to the underwater archaeological site of ancient Kaulon (subject to authorization by the Superintendence).

The course provides in-depth knowledge of the subject, starting with the basics of Underwater Archaeology History and Cultural Heritage Legislation, followed by prospecting techniques, topographic positioning, underwater surveying, excavation methods, and concluding with artifact recovery, initial conservation treatment, and their graphic and photographic documentation.

All theoretical and practical lessons are conducted by professional archaeologists.


General Course Program (subject to annual variations)

  • Day 1: Arrival of participants from various locations and accommodation arrangements. Presentation of the course program.
  • Day 2: Morning: Historical-geographical overview of the region during the Greco-Roman period. Introduction to Underwater Archaeology: history, methods, tools. Briefing on afternoon practical activities. Afternoon: First training dive.
  • Day 3: Morning: Pre-dive briefing and second training dive. Afternoon: Module 1 of theory + guided tour of an archaeological site.
  • Day 4: Morning: Pre-dive briefing and third training dive. Afternoon: Module 2 of theory + artifact laboratory.
  • Day 5: Morning: Pre-dive briefing and fourth training dive. Afternoon: Modules 3-4 of theory + material classification workshop.
  • Day 6: Morning: Pre-dive briefing and fifth training dive. Afternoon: Module 5 of theory + preliminary artifact restoration workshop or guided archaeological site visit.
  • Day 7: Guided dive at the underwater archaeological site of Kaulon (subject to Superintendence authorization). Visit to the National Archaeological Museum of Monasterace. Course conclusion and certificate distribution.
  • Day 8: Optional visit to the National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria, home to the Riace Bronzes. Departures.


At the end of the 52-hour course, participants will receive:

  • A specialty certification in Underwater Archaeology (ISDA Advanced Underwater Archeology).

The Underwater Archaeology School Camps are open to all divers holding at least a 1st level Open Water Diver certification. However, it is recommended to also complete the 2nd level Advanced certification, preferably combined with a Nitrox certification.

During the Underwater Archaeology School Camp in Calabria, non-diving AUDITORS and ACCOMPANYING GUESTS can participate in guided tours of historical and archaeological sites in Locride, with the option of SNORKELING activities at the underwater archaeological site.


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