The White Rock Cliff at Saline Ioniche
In Saline Ioniche, in the southern-Ionian Sea, with entry from a wide beach of gravel and sand, there’s a small cliff with vertical drops from 8 m to 15-20 m, with subsequent rocky descent, covered with a wide variety of algae and sponges. There are few, but very interesting invertebrates, including many species of shrimps, hidden in the cavities of the rock, tunicates, numerous species of starfishes and sea slugs. Among the latter, in addition to the common specimens of Flabellina affinis or Cratena peregrina, we may also meet with beautiful specimens of Umbraculum umbraculum. It’s frequent the meeting with a large clam shell, the Tonna Galea, often hidden in the sandy bottom. Very common even small serranids, especially specimens of dusky groupers and wreckfishes.
At shallow depths, under a rocky ravine, there’s a small statue of Jesus, now richly colonized by the local fauna.
Place | Saline Joniche, a hamlet of Montebello Jonico (RC) |
Dive type | From the shore |
Bottom type | Small cliff with vertical drops over 15 m, with rocks on sandy bottom |
Depth (min/max) | 8/30 m |
Currents | Current from weak to occasionally moderate |
Dive Path | Roundtrip parallel to the coast |
Biodiversity | Remarkable variety of algae and of few but interesting invertebrates |
Peculiarities | Presence of the sea slag Umbraculum umbraculum and of the large clam shell Tonna galea. |