Underwater Archaeology Summer School

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(+39) 329 4640045

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Thanks to the presence of a professional archaeologist in its staff and in collaboration with the National Museum and Archaeological Park of Locri Epizephirii, the Megale Hellas Diving Center organizes once a year, usually in July, an Underwater Archaeology Summers School, for at least an entire week.
During the Archaeological Underwater School, participants will acquire the main techniques used in underwater archeology: research methods, delimitation of an excavation area, graphic and photographic survey of the finds, use of the suction dredge, recovery techniques of artifacts and first treatment of the archaeological potteries recovered.
Part of the activities is carried out at sea, in an bordered and secure area that simulates a real archaeological site. A second part, about the work on the archaeological material (washing, labeling, first restoration), is held at the National Museum of Locri Epizephirii, working on amphorae and Greek-Roman ceramics, under the direct leadership of the archaeologist.
The course consists in acquiring a good knowledge of the subject, starting from the basics of History and Legislation of Underwater Cultural Heritage, tackling then the prospecting techniques, the topographic positioning, the underwater survey and the excavation methods, getting finally to the recovery and the first conservative treatment of the finds, as well as their graphic and photographic documentation.

All theoretical and practical lessons are carried out by archaeologists!

General course program

Day 1 – Arrival of participants from various locations and lodging in the accommodation.
Presentation of the course program
Day 2 AM – Historical and geographical framework of the territory in greek-Roman era. Introduction to Underwater Archaeology: history, methods, tools. Briefing about afternoon activities.
PM – 1st didactical dive
Day 3AM – briefing and 2nd didactical dive
PM – 1st theory lesson + guided tour at Locri Epizephirii Archaeological Park
Day 4AM – Briefing and 3rd didactical dive
PM – 2nd theory lesson + laboratory for washing the finds
Day 5AM – Briefing and 4th didactical dive
PM – Lessons 3-4 of theory, washing laboratory and classification of materials
Day 6AM – Briefing and 5th didactical dive
PM – 5th theory lesson + laboratory about the first restoration work
Day 7 – Free morning for eventual repetitions or diving
PM Final lesson. End of the course with delivery of certificates
Day 8 – Departure

After completing the course, lasting totally 45 hours, are released:

  • Specialty’s patent in Advanced Underwater Archeology
  • Certificate of participation of the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Calabria

The Underwater Archaeology Summer Schools are open to all divers in possession at least of the 1st Level Open Water Diver, but we suggest to attend also the 2nd level Advanced, preferably in combination with Nitrox specialty’s course.
During the Underwater Archaeology Summer School, you can take advantage of packages for AUDIT STUDENTS and for ACCOMPANYING PEOPLE NOT ​​DIVERS, with guided tours to sites of historical and archaeological interest of  Locri.

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